Sunday, July 19, 2015

Data incubator challenge questions 3: Links to public description of data source


This is the link I used to download the data set that I used to do my data analysis for the challenge question:

and this is the link to the API data that I would like to make use of for the project:


About the API
The World Bank currently has three different APIs to provide access to different datasets: one for Indicators (or time series data), one for Projects (or data on the World Bank’s operations), and one for the World Bank financial data (World Bank Finances API). All three APIs implementRESTful interfaces to allow users to perform queries of available data using selection parameters. For the Indicators API, XML and JSON representations are available; for the Projects API, Atom representation is also available; for the World Bank Finances API, XML, JSON and RDF representations are available.
The API Overview page describes how to query the Indicators API, demonstrate specific queries and show expected results, and give several examples. Explore the Projects API page allows users to pick different options to see the corresponding API request and response format. Details on the API used for World Bank Finances can be found on the Open Data API site.

About the Data

The World Bank Indicators API lets you programmatically access more than 8,000 indicators and query the data in several ways, using parameters to specify your request. Many data series date back 50 years, and can be used to create interesting applications. You can read more about the data itself in the API Sources section. The projects API provides access to all World Bank projects, including closed projects, active projects, and those in the pipeline. The dataset includes pilot geocode data on project locations; note that these data are collected through a desk study of existing project documents and are being released as a test database -- further work is required for data validation and quality enhancements. Information on the content of the dataset is available at Project Documentation section. The World Bank Finances API provides access to the data on the World Bank’s loans, credits, financial statements and other data related to the financial operations. Check the World Bank Finances page for the current list of the financial datasets.

United Nations


An unofficial API version of the great data made available by the United Nations on the UNDATA site. The aim is to make this data accessible and reusable in a variety of ways so it can be easily mashed up and recombined into new applications or analysis.
The service uses a straightforward REST API hosted on Heroku’s MongoHQ and makes UNDATA sets easily queryable from any application. Currently we have 108 datasets from the World Health Organization online and we’ll add more over time.

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